Founders Press Kit. Personal Branding for Founders.
By Photography Artist Stefan Gerard.
What is the Founders Press Kit?
The Founders Press Kit is a collection of cinematic business portraits designed to help founders establish a strong, authentic online presence.
What are the 5 shifts in Personal Branding?
For who is the Founders Press Kit?
How does a Press Kit help me as Founder?
Which Press Kit do you need?
Where is the Founders Press Kit?
Studio Noorderfabriek is a photo studio that boasts a minimalist design, with soft beige tones and smooth concrete flooring, creating a serene and uncluttered environment. The studio is within a 10 minute radius from Amsterdam Central Station.
Meeuwenlaan 106 F, 1021 JL Amsterdam
Why choose the Founders Press Kit?
What is the next step?
Fellow founders
I came to Amsterdam with a dream. And I am building it, word by word, brick by brick.
Manka, Poet and Real Estate Developer.
Part of the value of a successful exit is the vision of the founders. We were able to create a lot of extra value.
Patrick Brand, Founder
I see an powerful man, and its a great reminder to myself in those moments that I don't feel that way on the inside.
Koos van Plateringen, presentator and executive coach
The Founders Press Kit gave me the confidence pitch to US investors, which opened up a whole new world, literally.
Johannes le Roux, Founder at DOPE drinks.
At first, it was uncomfortable to be looking eye to eye with a full grown woman. No more. I can be this person every day.
Elizabeth Kaiser, Founder Radiant Rebels
The Founders Press Kip helped me to secure an incredible exit of my Leadership Institute. It brought out my best.
Ton Keunen, Founder BROUT Leadership Institute
The Renaissance colour palette reminds me of my own signature oil panting style. This is who I am.
Adriaan de Wolf, Oil Painter
It is deeply moving, that looking at the pictures now, I can finally see the fierce woman others have seen in me all along.
Andrea van Loon, co-owner at Euromanchetten
Hylke Reidsma, founder at Cinder Monkey
With every chunk of hair that dropped on the floor, I felt the sting of relief. To accept loss, is an act of courage.
Stefan M. Gerard, Photography Artist
Pascal Bier, Art Director and Photographer
At Holos, I am creating a community for authentic self-expression. Stefan gave me space to show my own.
Aquila Allucard, Founder Holos Paradigm
Christian Nieuwenhuizen - PR Client Director and Real Estate Developer
Nick Lengkeek, Founder Momentum
Outside my Founder role, I am also a Tattoo Artist. Giving clients a lasting memory, that is a constant inspiration for me.
Inus Smuts, Co-Founder at the Duchess, Cape Spritz and Suncamino Rum.